All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Meditation on a Prayer Drum

Haeinsa, South Korea — October 6, 2013


2 Responses to Haeinsa, South Korea — October 6, 2013

  1. Obaachan says:

    Thank you for sharing the view of the beautiful building and the sound of the drum, and the rain, that remind me of the sound I heard in Japan.

  2. Ruth says:


At Hae-in-Sa we witnessed the daily beating of an enormous prayer drum that serves to call all living beings to prayer, before the bell is rung which clears the mind for meditation. Three devoted young monks came at the appointed time (10am), and this one, the first, prayed before striking the drum. About every minute, a seated companion replaced the drummer in a round robin that lasted about ten minutes. It was a beautiful sound, and meditative time, as the drum seemed to call the mists and fogs until the sky answered with a rainfall as the drumming concluded. (Photograph taken July 2013)

I have uploaded an accompanying video (on youtube) to show the bell ringing after the drumming concluded. Because of the rain, I moved around the drum under the eaves of a neighboring building as they began ringing the bell.

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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