All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Labor Day 2012

Jackson Heights, NY — September 2, 2012


7 Responses to Jackson Heights, NY — September 2, 2012

  1. Sept. 5 is Len’s birthday….

  2. Stephanie says:

    Wooo-Hooo! Congrats to the soon-to-be Mom and Pop! Your shot a lifetime of memories in just these few photos.

  3. lynn says:

    Mina is looking beautiful and happy! Warmest wishes to Mother and Father to be!
    Love Lynn and Phil

  4. jerry braunstein says:

    Great idea! Can’t wait for the next one! Thanks for not referring to the expression “baby bump”. So tired of seeing faux celebraties with their bumps. What happened to “pregnant”?

  5. Jeff says:

    Photo of the decade!

  6. barbara DIckins says:

    Thank you for sharing such this precious time.
    Mina looks quite serene, surrounded by light.

  7. Ruth Jacobs says:

    Just gorgeous! Wishing all of you the best!

As I write this Mina’s body is preparing to go into labor, next photo will undoubtedly be a baby :) As her pregnancy progressed I shot this series to showcase her body’s amazing changes! (Photographs taken March – August 2012)

Film and Camera: Canon Powershot 90 - Digital jpegs


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