All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Mina’s Maternity Moment

Milton, NY — August 19th, 2012


7 Responses to Milton, NY — August 19th, 2012

  1. Danielle Poole says:

    WOW!! Congrats Mr. and Mrs O!!!
    Hi I hope you remember me, I’m Danielle Poole from PS 31. I always look forward to your photos, however, its been a while since I’ve look at them!!! The two of you look so happy!!!! I look forward to the pictures of your new bundle of joy!!! Thank you again for being a positive roll model for my children!!
    Stay Blessed
    Danielle Poole, still PTA President of PS 31!!! ;-D

    • Sam says:

      Thanks! Of course I remember you! I still talk to Eileen and Jayne as well. This will be an exciting time for us! Wishing you and Finesse and everyone all the best!

  2. This lady deserves fine presents! I am sure you have provided them.

  3. sanjay says:

    WOW. Sam .. Congratssssssssssssssss

  4. Joyce Young says:

    Sam, what a beautiful photograph! Mina looks quite serene. God bless you, Mina and “sprout!”

  5. Lynn Saville says:

    Beautiful Mina! Lovely photograph, Sam!!! Warmest wishes,
    Lynn Saville

  6. Arthur says:

    Thanks for the photo. Quite a different Mina than when we met in March. Congratulations to both of you. Arthur

This past weekend Mina and I made our last pre-natal getaway and I made some maternity photos. This was our favorite! For more, see facebook! (photograph taken August 2012)

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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