All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Crusader Fort Oculus

Karak, Jordan — February 12th, 2012


5 Responses to Karak, Jordan — February 12th, 2012

  1. Wendy says:

    What a magical shot! This photo is definitely one of my favorites. It summons the imagination (generally and historically). Great work!

  2. Samantha Wallace says:

    Interesting! Grim but the ray of light makes it poignant. Sometimes stone speaks volumes.
    Again congratulations.

  3. barbara DIckins says:

    Thank you so much. Looking at that from the din of
    modern life is a peaceful respite.

  4. Kevin says:

    Thank you for showing me this beautiful and intriguing photo.

The hills of Jordan have a series of ruined crusader fortresses from the pre-renaissance violent european conquest of the Middle-East & establishment of Crusader Kingdoms in the region. The one at Karak has been slightly repaired, is one of the largest, and is well-preserved for tourism. It is magical to explore tunnels once the home of Knights and Peasants 900 years ago! (photograph taken in August 2011)

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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