All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Civilizations Ruins

Agrigento, Sicily — July 4th, 2011


4 Responses to Agrigento, Sicily — July 4th, 2011

  1. Sha says:

    Very nice pic Sam.
    Thanks.How are you both?

  2. Noreene Rossos says:

    fabulous picture….it looks like a painting!!!

    • Sam says:

      Thanks! That is the effect of HDR processing where you combine two or more versions of the same image and the contrast and detail becomes more surreal and sharp in a painterly way :)

Traveling in many parts of the world grants a different perspective on time and the human effort to build civilizations. These ruins are of Greek temples in Sicily, and could be seen by Greek ships coming into the harbor below, at the time a sign of their culture’s greatness, and now perhaps a reminder to us of the effect of time. (Photograph Taken in October 2010)

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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