All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

All your bass are belong to us

New York City, NY, USA — June 19th, 2011

1 Comment

One Response to New York City, NY, USA — June 19th, 2011

  1. MARY ANN ROMER says:

    One of my favorite monuments in New York City made even more interesting with the addition of the Bassist. Your photograph does the place justice.

Public music performances in the Spring and Summer make New York City even more enjoyable. A few weeks ago during a casual photography class, I came across a Bassist in Central Park under the overpass at the Bethesda Fountain. His music echoed wonderfully below the tiled ceiling, and bellowed out from the arched entryways, calling to visitors like a siren song. As I photographed, numerous people congregated, thanked him, left money and walked on their way. It was a wonderful New York City moment, inside a New York City monument.

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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