All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Kaipunesut Portrait

New York City, USA


2 Responses to New York City, USA

  1. Harry Rosenbluh says:

    How appropriate! So close to Pesach (I’m going to be doing my holiday shopping this week), ad your photo of the week is of a guy from Egypt.
    Happy Pesach to you & Mina!
    Harry R (from Antarctica)

  2. A wonderful image, well done!

This statue of Kaipunesut always speaks to me whenever I visit the Egyptian galleries at the Metropolitan Museum. He is displayed at eye level, and you see his better preserved side first, then approach and find he is missing half his face. This partial destruction, erosion, and cracking of the wood just describes time and age and makes the experience of time travel through museums exhibitions so tactile. It is rare that a wood statue is preserved for 4,530 years, but it is fitting that Kaipunesut is remembered in wood: He was the royal carpenter.

Film and Camera: Canon Powershot 90 - Digital RAW


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