All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Lava Eruption

Stromboli, Italy — February 27th, 2011


4 Responses to Stromboli, Italy — February 27th, 2011

  1. Joyce Young says:

    What a beautiful sight!

  2. Sharon Gradischnig says:

    Spectacular! One of the thrills of my life was looking down into the cone of the active, but not erupting volcano, Masalla (SP)) in Nicaragua. Helped me understand why live sacrifices have been made to volcanoes. So much power and mystical beauty.

  3. Gerald Braunstein says:

    Sharon’s comment led to believe that live sacrifices should not be a thing of the past. Let’s start off with Sarah Palin, her celebrity daughter and Michelle Bachmann. No, I am not a chauvenist. Those just happen to be the first names that came to mind. Women should be glad they won the suffrage movement. Now they can be as stupid, if not as corrupt, as men. GREAT PHOTO SAM! Thanks Sharon. Maybe we can open a live volcano in Orlando.

  4. Barbara DIckins says:

    How thrilling to see a picture such as that!!

One of the highlights of the “Adventure Tourism” part of our honeymoon was an evening hike to the summit of the active volcanic island of Stromboli (also featured in Roberto Rosselini film of the same name, and the source of the dessert of the same name). Neither of us had ever seen lava, and this Island is one of the few places on earth, like Hawaii, where eruptions occur so frequently you can schedule a visit around seeing lava nearly every day! (Photo taken in October 2010)

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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