All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Magical Dawn

Pleneau Island and Bay, Antarctica — August 29th, 2010


5 Responses to Pleneau Island and Bay, Antarctica — August 29th, 2010

  1. Daniel says:

    Good light and framing – again a very nice image!



  2. Michiel Boender says:

    I like the many dark/light contrast areas. In the sky, in the sea and on the floating ice. A really interesting photograph!

  3. I love the colors in this photograph. The steely gray of the water and the bluish gray of the ice are haunting and beautiful.

  4. Anand says:

    I think you should post larger versions for better enjoyment :-) .

    • samoppe says:

      Thanks! I *can* post the image to link to a larger version in a new window, but cannot fit larger images in the initial view (without redesigning the site) – i also don’t want people to steal my images and use them for advertising/etc which happens if they are large and good quality. May I recommend instead you just put your eyes real close to the computer screen :-P LOL!

On one of our last days in Antarctica, we woke up at 5am and made an early morning landing on the cold shore of Pleneau Island. The light as the low sunlight burned off fog and clouds was pure magic. I feel that morning was the richest opportunity for photography during the whole expedition, and almost every shot has an eerily spectacular sky. (photo taken in December 2009)

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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