All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010

Signum Sunrise

Salina, Italy — February 6th, 2011


2 Responses to Salina, Italy — February 6th, 2011

  1. Kevin says:

    Hey Sam. Did you realize that Aeolus was the Greek God in charge of the Winds? He actually aided Hercules in his trials. Out of curiosity was this area especially windy?

  2. Sam says:

    Wow. That is so cool! I totally forgot what Aeolus meant, and was thinking of areola, because it is a similar greek or latin word and volcanic islands have an areole, the opening for lava, but you’re right! They are named after the winds… I guess they are windy, probably sailors used them in sailing in that part of the Mediterranean.

A gorgeous sunrise in the volcanic Aeolian Islands of the Mediterranean (Between Sicily and Mainland Italy in the Tyrrhenian Sea). This view was taken out of our bathroom window(!) at the Hotel Signum. It is a view of the next Island in the archipelago, Panarea, from the Island of Salina.

Film and Camera: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW


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