
All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2013 |  |
"Just Married!" - Long Beach, CA -- (December 29th, 2014)
- HKJ Just Married! A lovely Greek Orthodox wedding ceremony and just bask in their joy in joining together!
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Generations" - Katonah, NY -- (December 21st, 2014)
- This is a strange family portrait, Mina's childhood painted portrait in back creates a bridge through time to Karina held by Mina herself, now mother! (Photograph taken in November 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon PS s120 - Digital jpeg
"Dualiam" - Katonah, NY -- (December 7th, 2014)
- This is my second 'White Thanksgiving' Photo. I had an inspired time driving off by myself into a new development, as yet uninhabited save for construction crews. This image was the most memorable and makes me almost nostalgic for crisp cool fresh mornings after snowfall.
Camera & Film: Canon PS s120 - Digital RAW
"Call of Nature" - Katonah, NY -- (November 28th, 2014)
- We welcomed the pleasant White Thanksgiving this year, and I was inspired to photograph at a development nearby. Alternate title -Pristine Latrine- (photograph taken today, 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon PS s120 - Digital RAW
"Vietnamese Temple" - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam -- (November 2nd, 2014)
- Here is an image of Faith and Devotion from my collection / series on religion in many contexts. This features a woman praying with incense in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). (Photograph taken in 2008)
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Western View" - Fairfield, IA -- (October 26th, 2014)
- Flashback to 2003, this is the "portal" view of sunset out my parents' bathroom window in their Fairfield, Iowa home. The view looks across a pond shared by 3 neighbors. (Photograph taken on film in 2003)
Camera & Film: Olympus OM-2 and Kodak Film
"Autumnal Sunset from the Inn at Pount Ridge" - Westchester, NY -- (October 5th, 2014)
- This week marks 4 years of married life with Mina, my life partner and soul-mate! To celebrate we left our child with grandma and dined at the "Inn at Pound Ridge", a Jean-Georges culinary establishment in rural Westchester with a rustic, warm, farm-to-table feel. This was the view outside from our table as we dined on Crab, 'crispy' Sushi, Calimari with yuzu-dipping sauce, Chicken lightly fried in duck fat served over artichoke hearts, and grilled Sea Bass in a delicious soup of its own gravy accented by leeks.
Camera & Film: iPhone5 HDR jpeg
"Durga Slaying Demon of Ignorance" - NYC, USA -- (September 28th, 2014)
- This week I visited one of my favorite museums, the Rubin Museum of Art of the Himalayas. This week also corresponds to the Hindu Festival of Navratri - 9 nights celebrating the power and importance of the female goddess power in the universe - Shakti. This statue depicts Durga, an aspect of Shakti, slaying a bull-headed demon. She has already beheaded the bull, and the humanesque true form of the demon is about to be killed. Her many arms each carry a symbol representing different powers or aspects of Durga. In the left corner you can see Durga's vehicle - the power of a lion, which she is often depicted riding in Hindu iconography. The meaning of this statue, beyond legendary stories, is that she protects humanity from demons, is a guardian representing the righteous order, and destroyer of ignorance, represented by the demon. Happy Navratri! May your ignorance be lessened!
Camera & Film: Canon Powershot s120 - Digital Raw
"Karina in LIC" - Queens, NY -- (September 7th, 2014)
- Its been a busy week with Karina turning 2 and the new school year beginning. Here's a casual iphone snapshot from our weekend visit to Gantry Park and the Pepsi sign in Long Island City on the occasion of one of her new friend's 2nd birthday!
Camera & Film: iPhone5 - jpeg
"Karina, Turning 2 years old" - Queens, NY -- (September 1st, 2014)
- Happy Birthday Karina! This is the latest in a series - All taken on the same couch with similar animals to track her growth!
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Discussion with Gladiators" - Pound Ridge, NY -- (August 24th, 2014)
- When artist Ron Mineo had an indoor and outdoor show of his sculpture, Karina became very playful and enjoyed all the art, she especially enjoyed these faces at her eye level, and tried to feed them stones! This piece is called Gladiator Bench. (photograph taken in 2014)
Camera & Film: iPhone 5 jpeg
"Lijiang City Street Sunrise" - Lijiang, China -- (August 17th, 2014)
- This is a quiet moment in the Charming town of Lijiang in South-Western China between Laos and Burma (Myanmar). This city has been called "Shangri-La" and is quite gorgeous, even when crowded with tourists, but here you can take it in peacefully at sunrise. (photograph taken in 2008)
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"NoguchiÕs Landscape" - Queens, NY -- (August 10th, 2014)
- For my birthday, I went to the Noguchi Museum in Queens. Isamu Noguchi is a renowed artist working in many materials, most notably stone. His museum has a sculpture garden and many internal galleries. Here I have further abstracted one of his abstract granite landscape works from 1970.
Camera & Film: Canon PS s120 - Digital RAW
"Nam Ou River Valley" - Nong Khiaw, Laos -- (August 3rd, 2014)
- There is a majestic part of Laos, along the karst mountains and Nam Ou river. The boat lends a sense of perspective in this photograph taken from a bridge. I would highly recommend a visit to Laos, as I remember the landscape and people very fondly! (Photograph Taken in 2008)
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Where sand and sea meet your toes" - Cape May, NJ -- (July 20th, 2014)
- Last week we celebrated my mother-in-law's 80th birthday with a beach vacation and family reunion in Cape May - Congratulations Obaachan! Now Karina is old enough to really explore and play at the beach, and she LOVED it!
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW + jpeg
"Seashore Tern" - Strathmere, NJ -- (July 13th, 2014)
- While visiting the Jersey Shore last weekend, I snapped this common tern jumping from log to log avoiding the onrush of surf. I enjoyed his antics, but didn't observe any successful feeding, So I hope he got lucky after I left.
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Joyful July Leap" - Tarrytown, NY -- (July 6th, 2014)
- 4th of July Weekend, travels, parks, nice weather, lakes. A good time to be with family.
Camera & Film: iPhone 5
"Hot Wheels" - Salem, MA -- (June 22nd, 2014)
- Karina's first fair rides experience was last month at "Salem Willows" while visiting our cousins. She wasn't too nervous getting behind the wheel at first, and then grew to love the rides! (Photograph taken May 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Pink Jeep Tour" - Sedona, AZ -- (June 30th, 2014)
- I really like the 'feel' of this image - it brings back vivid memories of my sunset Pink Jeep brand tour in the Sedona scrublands and red rock canyons. It also makes me smirk and think of "Crocodile Dundee" for some reasonÉ (photograph taken March 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"The Joys of Fatherhood" - Marblehead, MA -- (June 15th, 2014)
- Happy Karina playing in "Hobbs Playground" while visiting my cousins. Ah, the joys of childhood, and the joys of parenthood! (Photograph taken in May).
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Joust!" - Bordentown, NJ -- (June 8th, 2014)
- Photographing at the NJ Renaissance Faire, I was excited to see many acts, especially the joust! Here's my best capture - as the knight enters to applause before the contest.
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Prayers for Thailand" - Ayutthaya, Thailand -- (June 1st, 2014)
- Recently Thailand has been in the news for a military coup, and I know the enduring culture and wonderful people will prevail over the political turmoil, but a little prayer never hurts.
These clasped hands are covered in little squares of gold leaf bought by visitors and applied by hand in buddhist prayer in front of this rebuilt temple amid many ruins in the former political capital city of the ancient Ayutthaya Thai Kingdom from 1351 to 1767. (photograph taken in December 2013).
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Memorial Day 2014" - Boston, MA -- (May 25th, 2014)
- Boston Commons has a memorial of 37,000 flags planted this year (and every year) in memory of every fallen Massachusetts service member from the Revolutionary War (1776-1783) to the present. I tried to capture Karina marching in memory of all our fallen veterans.
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"The Unisphere Turns 50" - Queens, NY -- (May 18th, 2014)
- Today my family participated in the AIDS walk in Central Park and then ended our day celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1964 NY (Queens) Worlds Fair. This is the iconic "Unisphere" from that exhibition. (Photograph by Mina).
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital jpeg
"Airplane!" - Jackson Heights, NJ -- (May 11th, 2014)
- In honor of Mother's Day Ð here is a capture of a joyful shared experience between grandmother "Obaachan" and Karina in our local park. (Photograph taken in March 2014).
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"O is for Owl and for Oppenheim" - Scottsdale, Arizona -- (May 4th, 2014)
- The final in my series of Owl shots. This is the main reason I was photographing the Oppenheim resident owls- they had a nest with two owlets in a saguaro. (Photograph taken April 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Owl Flight" - Scottsdale, Arizona -- (April 27th, 2014)
- A quick series of shots taken of a local owl taking flight from a saguaro in my parents backyard.
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Vigilant Owl" - Scottsdale, Arizona -- (April 20th, 2014)
- There is a family of owls that live and nest on my parents' property. This one enjoys perching, ever vigilant, atop a saguaro, ready for the hunt! (Photograph taken April 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Happy Songkran" - Elmhurst, Queens -- (April 13th, 2014)
- Today is Songkran, the Thai New Year holiday. A short walk from my home is a local Thai Buddhist Temple where they had blocked off the street and were having a day-long party with rock music, food, flowers, buddhas, candles, incense, and, yes, the water guns! I turned my camera heavenward. (Photograph Taken April 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Slide into Spring!" - Jackson Heights, Queens -- (April 6th, 2014)
- As my brother says, sunshine and warm air put a spring in your step! Today I played paparazzo again at the local park with Karina. The skies were bright blue, and the quality of light much different than last week, lending a gleam to my shots.
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Karina and Obaachan in the Park" - Jackson Heights, Queens -- (March 30th, 2014)
- Today I was inspired to be a paparazzo and follow Karina around the park while she played with her Obaachan - grandmother in Japanese. (Photograph taken March 30, 2014)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Face of Ayutthaya" - Ayutthaya, Thailand -- (March 23rd, 2014)
- Like many UNESCO World Heritage Sites, there are remaining debates about leaving them in ruins or reconstructing the original design. Here, in part of Ayutthaya, the park department has left many fragments of Buddhas everywhere, placed for visitors to appreciate, but not reconstructed. (Photograph taken in December 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"18 Months" - Queens, NY -- (March 16th, 2014)
- Continuing the traditional posed portrait with animal motif, here is Karina at 18 months. Look for another when she turns 2!
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Takoyaki on New Year's Eve" - Narita, Japan -- (March 2nd, 2014)
- On December 31st I had an 18-hour layover in Narita Japan, and went to Narita-San, the Narita Buddhist Temple. Thousands of people line up awaiting the bells which ring at midnight, and people enter the temple to receive blessings for the New Year. On the closed-to-traffic roadway to the temple, many stalls set up colorful places to eat. This one serves "Tako-Yaki" a goey fried (yaki) savory ball that includes bits of octopus (tako). Yum!
Camera & Film: Canon PowerShot S120 - Digital RAW
"Buddha's Window" - Ayutthaya, Thailand -- (February 16th, 2014)
- Another portal from the ancient Thai capitol of Ayutthaya. This is a window through a dilapidated wall of an ancient monastery with views of memorial stupa (towers) constructed to focus prayer and help achieve Nirvana for those in whose memory stupa are built. (Photograph taken December 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Wat Chai Wattanaram Portal" - Ayutthaya, Thailand -- (February 9th, 2014)
- On our last day in Thailand this visit, we bicycled through the famous ruins of Ayutthaya, one of Thailand's ancient capital cities which has many ruins of temples (Wat) and monasteries. This was one of the final shots I took before we headed home, from inside a covered corridor in one of the largest temple complexes. (Photograph taken in December 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon PS90 - Digital RAW
"M is for Married" - Bangkok, Thailand -- (February 2nd, 2014)
- Mike & Michelle, Married December 29th, 2013. This candid was taken when they symbolically cut a gigantic towering decorative cake-object with a shiny sword. Although neither cake, nor sword were real, they are really married. Weddings are full of pomp and symbolism, and this wedding included the bouquet toss as well as a traditional tea ceremony, and much more, but I thought this image especially showcased their joy, cooperation, and love for each other!
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Heirloom Wedding Bands" - Bangkok, Thailand -- (January 20th, 2014)
- Three weeks ago I had the blessing of attending my brother's wedding in his wife's family's country, Thailand. While this is your standard "pre-wedding" shot of the rings, I think the Thai gold pedestal bowl is an excellent site-specific touch to complement the rings.
The rings themselves are heirlooms from my maternal grandparents. My brother now wears our grandfather's ring, the one that was kept at home during WWII for safe keeping, and I wear the ring our grandfather wore while serving our country, as a reminder of his vows back home. (Photograph Taken December 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Dilapidated Pier Home" - Koh Chang, Thailand -- (January 12th, 2014)
- Koh Chang (Island) has a famous long pier (almost a kilometer long) filled with shopping and restaurants - even a health clinic! Many of the businesses are also residences, some more picturesque or well-kept than others. This one at the end of a sub-pier caught my eye. (Photograph taken in December 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW
"Sunrise Walk on the Beach" - Koh Chang, Thailand -- (January 4th, 2014)
- magine the warm water and smooth wet crunch of wave-washed sand under bare feet. This image evokes the feeling we had on a mini-vacation for 3 days on the Thai island of Koh Chang, just near the Cambodian border. May you walk well into the future- Happy New Year 2014! (Photograph Taken December 2013)
Camera & Film: Canon EOS 40D - Digital RAW

All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2013 |  |