"Malkapur Mirch Market" - Maharashtra, India. -- (December 14th, 2008)
- Here is a photograph from about one year ago. I am feeling very nostalgic lately, missing India and village life dearly. These show the local hot pepper or "Mirch" market in the town I lived in. Notice the guy in the middle? He begged me to take his photo and posed in what he thought was "sexy macho". The people on the right are unloading peppers from a truck. yes they are probably bare foot in your food, which is also dumped onto the ground! Well, Consider this the "Indian Pointsetta" - and Happy Holidays. Tomorrow is also my "brother from another mother's" special day - Happy Birthday Shekhar!
Camera & Film: Canon Power Shot 70 - Digital jpeg
"Willows" -Lijiang, Yunan, China. -- (December 7th, 2008)
- One of my last nights in China I photographed the charming city of Lijiang in Yunan provice. I was fascinated by the artificial lighting interacting with willow trees and rivers flowing through cobblestone streets. The central plaza also had water wheels. It was gorgeous and very hard to capture on camera without a tripod.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Smoking Man" -Rural Dali, Yunan, China. -- (November 30th, 2008)
- My last week in China involved a trip to Yunan province. In Dali I rented a bicycle and ride out to rural farmlands and a local market, encountering the colorful locals and really getting to know this side of the Himalayas -partially in order to compare it to the Indian side! This man was one of the only people who let me take their portrait. The people in this part of China are very kind and friendly, but not as open to photography or interested in tourists as Indians are (in general).
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Pagoda and Rapids" -Emei Shan, China. -- (November 23rd, 2008)
- Same holy Buddhist mountain as last week's monkeys - Emei Shan. Here this is nearer to the base, below the monasteries where pilgrims spend the night (so relaxing and special!) Enroute to returning to busses and civilization, the hike returns via series of gorges and small waterfalls, including this picturesque "Must-photograph" spot.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Tibetan Macaques" - China. -- (November 16th, 2008)
- Near the epicenter of this year's quake is a natural park and holy mountain called "Emei Shan." Atop its summit live colonies of Tibetan Macaques which get fed gratuitously by fascinated tourists (hence the apple) and have been known to be quite naughty so humans must be wary when walking in the woods.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Leshan Buddha" - China. -- (November 9th, 2008)
- This is now the world's largest rock-carved Buddha (After the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan). You can get a sense of scale by the people in the first photo... tiny behind the fence, the women posing below his foot, and then myself at the same place. He is repainted every decade or so, and photos of his newly varnished appearance (in postcards) look garish and almost comical, I prefer a weathered countenance. He is marvelous, but not as fantastic as the lost treasures of Afghanistan!
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Chinglish Tryptich" - Leshan, China. -- (November 2nd, 2008)
- Cheer up! These make me smile - fresh air? why are you in a restroom, and the last one - like who needs that sign? are people drinking from, confused by, or pooping in the urinal?
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital jpeg
"Bell Tower at Night" - Xi'an, China. -- (October 26th, 2008)
- Taking a cue from Lynn Saville, I often play at photographing cities at night! Here is one of my nicer ones from Xi'An, at the famous Bell Tower which is circumscribed by a traffic circle... and was also the view out the window of my hostel! As a side note, behind me is a Starbucks... Ah, Globalization.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Spooky Garden" - Xi'an, China. -- (October 19th, 2008)
- One night I took a tour of a traditional home with elaborate furniture and decorative courtyard gardens, all cared for and colorfully lit. They also served me delicious specialty teas (and sold me some, I had a cup tonight when I found this photo!) Anyway here's a fun, almost spooky image from that evening!
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Make A Wish" - Hua Shan, China. -- (October 12th, 2008)
- Hua Shan (mountain) has many Taoist shrines on each peak, but my favorite section was where people tie red ribbons on the chains and attach locks. If I understand it correctly it is a way of wishing and achieving blessings. To see the rest of Hua Shan please visit my new mini gallery: Hua Shan.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Western Peak" - Hua Shan, China. -- (October 5th, 2008)
- This holy Taoist mountain is now accessible by gondola and filled with pilgrims/tourists. It is unbelievably beautiful and reminiscent of Yosemite in places. The single mountain consists of five peaks, all nearly or slightly above 2000 meters (6,300 feet) high, connected by footpaths and steps. Views from each peak show crenellated peaks and glorious views across a natural landscape. This is the Western peak viewed from the central peak, the other 3 peaks are named after the remaining cardinal directions. More photos from Hua Shan
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Tough Kid" - Guoliangchun, China. -- (September 28th, 2008)
- The alternative title for the photo is "Beer baby." I shot a few photos of this character. He had real attitude, holding an empty beer bottle next to his daddy's motorcycle! Unfortunately I can't show the other 3 shots because there is a little surprise hanging out of his pants! His clothing has a crotch-slit! Many Asian countries don't use diapers, instead knifing a portion of the pants so that when a child squats he can just go potty anywhere...
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Laotian Grandmother" - Luang Prabang, Laos. -- (September 14th, 2008)
- A wonderful portrait of an elder matriarch.
Camera & Film: Canon Rebel K2 - Kodak Film
"Chinese Village Portals" - Pingyao and Yujiacun, China. -- (August 31st, 2008)
- Iwanted to share the continuation of my portals project - here are three ones from small towns and villages in China - the central "Main image" is "Pingyao Coal Briquette Portal" and you can see the storage of so much coal - the town is covered in dust and is almost black-and-white in its coloration from dirt or paved roads to cinder-brick walls to dusty windows and ash-grey roof tiles. The two smaller images are from a mountain village built in all stone architecture. I slept in the guestroom inside the courtyard that has a cat.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Cycling Elder" - Pingyao, China. -- (August 23rd, 2008)
- A Great moment in a charming old town.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Fuji Sunrise Portraits" - Japan. -- (August 8th, 2008)
- To Celebrate my birthday (August 8th, 2008, or 8-8-8) 3 friends and I hiked to the summit of Mt. Fuji - the highest point in Japan. We began at 8pm and hiked without sleep until dawn at the volcanic rim/caldera. Later we hiked back down, exhausted and exhilarated. These portraits record the glorious sunrise, and the haggard-yet-ecstatic appearances of Rob, Sean, Rachel, and myself!
Camera & Film: Canon 40D - Digital RAW
"Mashu-Ko" - Hokkaido, Japan. -- (August 2nd, 2008)
- I'm in Japan! Here's a quick update from the field - last week I road tripped in a rental car across Hokkaido (northern Japan bordering Russia/Siberia). Left side drive, baby! Enjoy the 'tourist view' of the gorgeous volcanic lake of "Mashu-Ko" reputed to be the most beautiful lake in Japan, and similar to Crater Lake, Oregon!
Camera & Film: Canon 40D - Digital jpeg
"Driving North Dakota" - USA. -- (July 26th, 2008)
- >Well, Last week I flew with my brother to Portland, Oregon, packed his car, and drove across the USA. 2200 miles in 2 days across America. North Dakota was the most memorable, where we stopped at Teddy Roosevelt National Park and left some of our grandfather's hair, as he had been to 48 states, and wished to make it to North Dakota. This is a photographic memory, a recording of the great Northern expanse of the USA.
A second recording accompanies this photograph - my brother's newest recording. Cosmopolitain (featuring Ryan Dicker) Please listen/download this by following the link here and visit his website to hear more of his music and read his writings. Mike's website: www.mikeyopp.com
Camera & Film: Canon 40D - Digital Jpeg
"Number 7 Train" - Queens, New York. -- (July 12th, 2008)
- I Guess since I'm back in New York City I should practice my art here as well. I still have a zillion Asia shots to share, but this week I'm focusing on a recent photograph of the New York City Subway.
Camera & Film: Canon Powershot 70 - Digital RAW
"Tropical Village Boy" - Northern Thailand. -- (July 5th, 2008)
- After Trekking for 2 days, we rafted downriver and stopped for lunch at a village that caters to trekking tourism. This boy was enjoying his watermelon, in his mother's lap, in a hammock. How much more "Summertime Tropical" and adorable can you get?
Camera & Film: Canon Rebel K2 - Kodak Tri-X 400
"Melaka Dusk" - Malaysia. -- (June 29th, 2008)
- One of the main thoroughfares into town is lit up like a dreamscape at dusk. I was so anxious to take this photograph, that I hopped off a bus in midtown without knowing where to go for a hotel. It was so painfully gorgeous at dusk, that I carried all my luggage, and photographed Melaka at night, quite encumbered, BEFORE finding a hotel room.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Petronas Towers at Night" - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. -- (June 22nd, 2008)
- The world's second-tallest building: a pair of towers connected by a skybridge, the famous symbol of Kuala Lumpur & Malaysia. Photograph taken from an overpass on 5 second exposure.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Dusky Bay" - Ao Nang, Thailand. -- (June 15th, 2008)
- A Thai longtail boat rocks on the waves during a long exposure at dusk. Taken from the rock wall along Ao Nang Bay in Southern Thailand near Krabi (Across from Ko Phi Phi and Phuket).
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Banteay Kdei Portal" - Angkor Wat, Cambodia. -- (June 8th, 2008)
- Angkor Wat, the famous majestic grouping of a hundred temples or so, in central Cambodia. Here at sunrise I found one of my favorite subjects: a portal! (The colors are not manipulated, the rock is weathered and growing moss, lichens, etc.)
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
"Dancer" - Ubud, Bali. -- (June 1st, 2008)
- Bali is famous for traditional and modern dance. I saw a few shows and tried my best to capture some of the colorful costumes, body movements, and facial expressions with a hand-held camera and no flash. half or more came out blurry, but I just LOVE this one and am happy to share it with you.
Camera & Film: Canon Digital Rebel XT 350 - Digital RAW
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