
All Photographs © Sam Oppenheim 1997-2010 |  |
"Glacial Summit, Mt Olympus" - Olympic Nat'l Park, WA. -- (Week of December 25th)
- After hiking for 3 days, camping alone, clamboring up thousands of feet of elevation from near-sea-level, I finally crested a glacially deposited ridge of stone and dirt and witnessed this majestic spectacle: The glaciated summit of Mt. Olympus.
Needless to say, I was pleased; it was as wonderful as I had hoped. Similar in majesty (although not scale) as the Himalayan peaks I had hiked into. I meditated there and listened to the cracking movement of the breathing glacier. That was the zenith of my Summer hiking excursion.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital RAW
"Hurricane Ridge Views" - Olympic Nat'l Park, WA. -- (Week of December 19th)
- This is the first wonderful view Sean, Zach, and I saw on our visit to Olympic National Park in Washington State. I would spend 5 days in the park, hiking and camping, in August 2005. Hurricane Ridge is the highest road-accessible point in the park. It was stunning.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital RAW
"Prickly Point" - Grenada -- (Week of December 5th)
- Another one from my experimented long-exposure nocturnal photography. This time I used a blue penlight to highlight the cactus during exposure. This image should be paired with last week's (see below) as they both are shot facing the same cove lights and highlighting the same incredible sky. That is a big rock in the foreground, which is supporting the camera on a 15 second timer.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital RAW
"Lance aux Epines Wealthy Residence" - Grenada -- (Week of November 28th)
- Late one night I experimented with long-exposure nocturnal photography. This image highlights the cove, the moonlit sky, and a wealthy residence. In the foreground is a breezeway connecting the main house to the guest house and passing by the swimming pool (barely visible here). I am standing on a thin spine (epines) of land jutting out near the southernmost extremity of Grenada, and across the cove you can see city lights of "True Blue", the peninsula where the medical school is located.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital RAW
"Grenville Beach Kitsch" - Grenada -- (Week of November 21st)
- This idyllic shot captures the tropical island appeal of Grenada. This photo is from a road trip with Vipin circumambulating the entire island-nation of Grenada in the Southern Caribbean / West Indies (neighboring Trinidad and South America). I was searching for particularly kitschy images this vacation because I am participating in a group show at Columbia University this month with a theme of 'kitschy' artwork. When I saw this singular palm arching over the beach and boats, it just called out "Postcard image" to me and I had to capture it.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"Pumice Desert Bloom" - Crater Lake National Park, OR -- (Week of November 14th)
- This is one of a few blooming patches in a pumice desert formed by ashes and pumice after the huge volcanic eruption that formed Crater Lake. I think it is a good example of how a snail's eye view photo can be very effective. That's my brother at top, exploring the Pumice Desert.
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Kodak Gold 400
"Deep Blue" - Cleetwood Cove, Crater Lake, OR -- (Week of November 7th)
- Crater Lake really is *This Blue*! -- For my 26th birthday this summer, my brother drove me to Crater Lake while I was visiting him in Portland. We drove around the park, hiked up a mountain, camped, and the next morning hiked down the caldera rim and I jumped into the lake!
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Fuji Sensia 200
"Parachute Flier" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of October 24th)
- One day at dusk I saw this guy flying around in a parachute with a rear-propeller. I was able to catch up to him and zoom alongside him at the same speed as he flew, shooting photographs while riding my bike one-handed. Then I gave him a big thumbs up and rode home for dinner.
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Fuji Sensia 200
"Emerging Unicorn" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of October 17th)
- Climbing out of the desert in the morning sun! (A wire & mesh art installation).
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Kodak 400 Gold
"Dust Devil" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of October 10th)
- This is my best 'portrait' of the desert. I really love this image. . . Have you ever spent time in a desert? Seen dust devils and clear azure skies? flat land that goes on into the distance? I love visiting the Black Rock Desert, a prehistoric, fossil lakebed, parched, dry, sandy, dusty, and wonderful!
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Kodak 400 Gold
"Skewed Dancer" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of October 3rd)
- This is a skewed perspective statue by Todd Kurzman. It was installed on a table at center camp at Burning Man. Center camp is the social hub of Black Rock City, a gathering place where coffee is available and people hang out 24 hours a day, enjoying live music, dance performances, drinks, and hanging out. I go to center camp and paint people's fingernails and bodies with designs alongside my friend Go-Go who massages and body-paints. This year a series of these perspective statues were near our 'spot' and we really enjoyed them everyday! (As did many passersby, they were very popular).
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Kodak 400 Gold
"Parasol Dance" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of September 26th)
- While getting on my bike I saw this man dancing in the distance, out on the open desert. It was entrancing, beautiful, swirling umbrellas in an artistic dance on the horizon. As I approached it became evident that the man was nude and had been dancing for a long time, perhaps over an hour by the time I last saw him. He was his own art installation. His actions and presence were a cross between yoga and modern dance. I believe it was quite spiritual for him. I asked if I could photograph him, he consented, and I thanked him for his art display as I circled him on bike and shot a handful of photos.
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1 / Kodak 400 Gold
"Gigantic Croquet" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of September 19th)
- This year at Burning Man there were a lot of 'gigantic' versions of games. Here, far from campgrounds, in the flat desert was a set of gigantic croquet mallets, balls, and hoops. Not only was the game incredible, but during this photo shoot the players had real character! The main subject here is a nude woman who was balancing a mallet on her head while waiting for her turn. (She must have gone to charm school). Other giant games included Jenga, Operation, Mousetrap, Craps, and more!
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"Minoan Goddess" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV -- (Week of September 12th)
- This beautiful Desert Goddess was dancing in the afternoon wind and sun. She was enjoying the breeze and showcasing her costume while also announcing to passersby to get a fresh-squeezed free mimosa at her camp nearby. The title is a reference to a famous art object from Ancient Crete and the Minoan civilization. See:Minoan Snake Goddess
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1/ Fuji Sensia 200 Slide
"Mother and Child at Dusk" - Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV. -- (Week of September 5th)
- My first photo of the 'week' in awhile.... I was away on a vacation! Photo from the the annual Burning Man event: www.burningman.com
- These two gigantic (30-foot and 20-foot high) statues made of scrap metal were the most beautiful sculptures on the playa this year. The pair were iconic on the desert playa, as they towered above people, art cars, and occasionally dripped fire! Do you see the concrete footprints behind them leading up to the statues? On the last day of burningman these footprints were filled with kerosene and were alight in beautiful shifting fire!
Camera & Film: Olympus SR-1/ Fuji Velvia Slide
"Avalanche Lake" - near Lake Placid, NY. -- (Week of August 8th)
- Another photograph from my hike in the high peaks region of the New York Adirondacks. Avalanche Lake is a narrow alpine lake flanked by steep canyon walls, well known obviously for frequent avalanches. This view is taken from the lower end of the lake at the midpoint of my early morning hike back to the car after 2 days in the mountains.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"Adirondack Highlands" - near Lake Placid, NY. -- (Week of July 25th)
- Taken during a hike to the summit of Mt. Marcy, you can see the beautiful sky and alpine landscape. However, within the hour clouds covered the region, followed by rain. I composed the photograph to show multiple layers including the textured foreground, a smooth dome rock over which flows a waterfall (off screen).
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"Impressionist Canal" - Princeton, NJ. -- (Week of July 18th)
- I played with my digital camera walking along the Delaware & Raritan Canal. You can see I used a long exposure which resulted in some blurriness and odd luminosity, reminiscent of a impressionist painting. Note: - This image is NOT manipulated at all. If it looks too dark, try moving your eyes and focussing on details and texture in the dark areas.
Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"Street Vendor, Herald Square" - NY, NY -- (Week of July 11th)
- One of a series taken on New Year's Eve 2004-2005. It really looks better alongside or in a series with some of the others, like a time lapse. You can see I used a flash and long exposure so that some images are captured and others blurred (see also Bowery Blur, week of May 9th in previous photos) Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"I Love You!" Houston St., NY -- (Week of July 4th)
- A chance phone call made us pause on a walk along Houston St. where I noticed some lovely graffiti. Rachel was already all dressed up for the Gay Pride Parade so I posed her in this photograph. I really like the way Rachel looks - See the emotion in her face, what do you think she is feeling? Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"Sunset over the Piers" Hudson River, NY -- (Week of June 27th)
- Summer Vacation is so full of pink joy and freedom, tinged with indigo melancholy saying goodbye to children and the teaching routine.
- Photo from the Hudson River promenade around 9th St. I love the rotting wood piers on Manhattan's West Side. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
"The Eye of the Storm" at the NY Guggenheim -- (Week of June 20th)
- This is a photo of the main attraction of the Guggenheim's exhibit called "The Eye of The Storm: Works in situ by Daniel Buren". His art involved modifications in situ that change the way a viewer experiences the museum.
This installation consists of a mirror wall installed inside the famous Guggenheim interior. He also added flourescent green markers around the ramps and colored the skylights. The advertisements for this exhibit on the NY Subway were very unique and interesting. It was a reflective mirror with embossed words, and left uncertain regarding what the exhibit was. Now the advertisement makes sense :-) Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Colored Windows at the NY Guggenheim -- (Week of June 13th)
- June 7th I went to a Guggenheim exhibit I normally would have passed up, but it was free. Called "The Eye of The Storm: Works in situ by Daniel Buren", it consisted of colorful installations that are only art when experienced by the visitor. (as opposed to art viewed in a frame, which is art without a visitor. This is only art as experienced, and cannot be 'moved to another museum').
- I really enjoyed walking around the side gallery which had colored windows in circular shapes. This area made for exciting simple photos. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Liberty Park Snowstorm, Jersey City, NJ -- (Week of June 6th) - From the same photo shoot as "Pulasky Skyway" Below. Its *SO* hot this week I had to post this to cool myself off.
- I hope you enjoy reminiscing about the colder times of yesterday
- I really like the bleakness of color and subject and the symmetry between the sky and ground. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Luke's Livingroom, Armonk, NY -- (Week of May 30th) - On May 21st Luke and Luciana had a wonderful Wedding Reception catered at Luke's parents' house.
- The house was beautiful, the Flower arrangements fantastic, and...
- That short flowery pot is actually edible vegetables with dip hidden in the center. Its Hors' doeuvres!
- This was the first "test shot" I took that day, as Luke entered the living room, and I just love the layout, coloring, and Luke's walking movement captured naturally on film. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Rachel Performing at 169 Bar, Lower East Side, NYC, NY -- (Week of May 23rd) - On May 3rd Rachel Rossos and Jimmy Rishe performed an awesome set at 169 Bar
- It was one of her best performances ever, in a private venue with great sound and a great atmosphere with clever lighting and plush red couches. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Photographing the Pulasky Skyway in the Fog, Jersey City, NJ -- (Week of May 16th) - One of my freelance jobs is taking photographer Lynn Saville (www.lynnsaville.com) on photography expeditions.
- In February I drove her to an assortment of industrial cityscapes in Jersey City. Here she is photographing the Pulaski Skyway in the fog during snowfall. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Bowery Blur, New York, NY -- (Week of May 9th) - A long exposure on a late night in the Bowery. The people are 'frozen' by a short flash, and the 'blurred' by movement while the camera lens stays open for awhile.
- The closer girl ducked as she walked by, I said "Don't worry" while I held the camera and snapped the photo. My voice made the farther girl turn - that's her expression captured as the flash went off! Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital
Kevin and Buttons, Orinda, CA -- (Week of May 2nd)
It is difficult to photograph owners and pets because animals are unpredictable, but it is one type of portraiture I enjoy. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital |
Hiking Tilden Park, Orinda, CA -- (Week of April 25th)
On vacation in my hometown, on a hike to the top of "Wildcat Peak". Orinda Reservoir in the background and the lush green East Bay of California hills I roamed and explored throughout my youth. Photographer: Kevin Perez Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital |
Handstand! -- (Week of April 18th)
Same Kid, see below. I think this shot is aesthetically excellent and has commercial potential. Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital |
Dancing Kid at Barmitzvah -- (Week of April 11th)
At cousin's Barmitzvah an adorable kid was breakdancing with wonderful hilarious dance moves. I asked him how he learned, he said "From T.V." Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital |
Construction Site Fresco -- (Week of April 4th)
Last week a fallen board allowed me entry into a construction site. It looked cool! Inside were bricks everywhere, and on one wall, a partially preserved FRESCO, that is undoubtably slated for destruction, but was left adhering to the original brick wall by the demolitionists.
As you read this it no longer exists. I returned to find the workers demolishing it two days after taking the photo. I felt like a modern archaeologist, photographing graffiti and building destruction is like an "archaeology of the moment".Camera & Film: Canon PS70 - digital |
Sam Meditating in a Pyramid During Duststorm -- (Week of March 28th)
Last Burningman photo - Me enjoying an art installation!! Camera & Film: Disposable Photo by Rachel Rossos |
Central Park -- (Week of March 21st)
A few art installations just made me smile ear to ear. This was one of them. Come on in, enjoy the park, its all the desert has to offer! Camera & Film: Disposable |
Fuzzy Red Bike on the Playa -- (Week of March 14th)
- Most people bring a cheap old used bike to move more quickly around the desert and tent city. Each person also decorates their own bike, making their personal vehicle an important part of the burningman experience. This was just a photograph that captures the essence of the playa, bikes, the desert sky, etc.
Camera & Film: Disposable
Desert Encounter -- (Week of March 7th)
- One day while wondering the desert I saw this man, freshly painted, admiring the playful spaceman newly erected on the playa. This image shares the excitement of discovery- the encounter with people in all manner of dress, undress, decoration, and even faux astronauts!
Camera & Film: Disposable
Inflated Solar Entity -- (Week of February 28th)
- One of my favorite aspects of Burning Man (www.burningman.com) was the artistic culture and huge art installations. Many were interactive, involving swings, moveable parts, etc. It was always a treat to explore the desert on foot or bike and wander into newly installed sculptures, or sit on a set of swings at sunset in a minor duststorm.
- Burning Man is hard to describe, but most people would agree that it is "A large temporary human gathering in the desert 2 hours outside of Reno, Nevada." Many people come and set up tents and park RVs on the desolate 'playa' -- a large ancient lakebed. The temporary city is an amazing place, with a crazed unique atmosphere.
- One day after waking up and riding out across some of the desert I saw this art installation, freshly inflated and bright in the sunshine. In this photo you can see the people on foot and bike appreciating their new built enviornment, and enjoy the contrast of human social life, nature, and artifice.
Camera & Film: DISPOSABLE! (the only cameras i took to Burningman were disposable because i was concerned about the dust and heat).